Quality Assurance

Policies that Inform our Practice
As a provider of high-quality nursing care we adhere to the ‘National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland’. These standards help to consolidate existing good practice whilst also identifying areas for development. A copy of the standards can be obtained either online at www.hiqa.ie or by writing to: Health Information and Quality Authority, Social Services Inspectorate, 1301 City Gate, Mahon, Cork.

We adhere to the Health Act 2007 (Care and Welfare of Residents in Designated Centres for Older People) Regulations 2013.

We are registered and inspected by the Health Information and Quality Authority HIQA. A copy of our latest report is available in the Nursing Home. You can also view the report on the HIQA website at www.hiqa.ie

If you have serious concerns about the operation of the Nursing Home you may contact the Inspectorate by:

  • Calling the advice line on 021 240 9660
  • Emailing inspections@hiqa.ie
  • Writing to the Office of the Chief Inspector, Health Information and Quality Authority, Social Services Inspectorate, 1301 City Gate, Mahon, Cork or Dublin Regional Office, George’s Court, George’s Lane, Dublin 7.

Resident Feedback
We are interested in your feedback to ensure that our service is continually reviewed and refined in line with best practice and resident choice. There are a number of ways in which you can share your views and participate in the consultation process:

  • Speak to a member of staff who will pass on your comments/views to the relevant person.
  • Speak with the Senior Staff Nurse

Resident’s Council

We have Monthly Residents meetings where we actively encourage Residents to become involved and make suggestions regarding things they would like changed or added in, to improve their quality of life, activities and outings they like to go on.

Dates of meetings are displayed on the notice board in the sitting room.

We also have a Comments/Suggestions box in the porch at the front door for which the Director of Nursing takes responsibility. We welcome suggestions to assist us in improving our services.

Six monthly satisfaction survey

We conduct satisfaction surveys every six months and welcome feedback from family and Residents.

Our Complaints procedure

  • There is a complaints policy and procedure in place.
  • All complaints, both written and verbal from any person about any aspects of service, care and treatment provided in, or on behalf of Oghill Nursing Home are investigated promptly.
  • All Residents are made aware of the complaint’s procedure and appeals process on admission.
  • The complaints procedure is displayed at reception and incorporated in the Residents Guide.

Hilary Maher is the nominated complaints officer in Oghill Nursing Home to investigate complaints.

Steps involved:

  • Following a written complaint, an acknowledgment letter is sent within 5 working days.
  • Complaints are investigated and concluded as soon as possible and no later than 30 working days after receipt of complaint.
  • The complainant is updated in writing whether or not their complaint has been upheld and the reasons for that decision. They will be informed of any improvements recommended and details of the review process.
  • If the complainant is not satisfied with the response to their complaint the review officer will review the decision.

Reviews of complaints:

If the complainant is not satisfied with the response to their complaint the review officer will review the decision. Ann Mahon is the review officer. Her role is to ensure that all complaints are appropriately responded to and that all relevant records are maintained. She also ensures that any Resident who has made a complaint is not adversely affected by reason of the complaint having been made.

•          A review is conducted and concluded as soon as possible and no later than 20 working days after receipt of the request for review.

•          The complainant is updated in writing of the outcome of the review.

Independent complaints officer:

If the Complainant is dissatisfied with the result they may appeal to the Independent Complaints Officer Valerie Ryan, provider and Director of Nursing Curragh Lawn Nursing home –  tel: 045 481880

  • Further information regarding Complaints can be obtained from the HSE, The Office of the Ombudsman and the Health Information and Quality Authority if required.

Our Director of Nursing (complaints officer ) , Hilary, will ensure that Residents have access to independent advocacy services, including access to in-person awareness campaigns by independent advocacy services and access to meet and receive support from advocacy services. Services are made available to residents and in private as required.

  • A record log of all complaints received, the outcomes of any investigations into complaints, any actions taken on foot of a complaint, any reviews requested and the outcomes of any reviews are fully and properly recorded. Records are kept in the complaints log file distinct from care plans. These records are retained for a period of not less than 7 years in accordance with (S.I. No.415 of 2013 Health Act 2007 (Care and Welfare of Residents in Designated Centers for Older People) Regulations 2013 as of March 2023; General Data Protection Regulations 2018

Complaint Procedures and the Ombudsman
If you have complained to us and you are not satisfied with our decision on your complaint, the Office of the Ombudsman is another available service. The Ombudsman provides an impartial, independent and free service. By law the Ombudsman can examine complaints about any of our administrative actions or procedures as well as delays or inaction in our dealings with you.

You can find more information here:

IMPORTANT CONTACT DETAILS  for complaints and other resources

HSE – Dublin Mid-Leinster Residential services for older people Oak house Limetree Av Millennium park Naas Co KildareHSE midland area Nursing homes support section Health Centre Arden Road Tullamore Co. Offaly  
Office of the Ombudsman 6 Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2 D02 W773
Tel: 01 639 5600
Lo Call: 1890 223030
Fax: 01 639 5674
Email: ombudsman@ombudsmangov.ie
Opening hours  9:15 – 17:30 ( Monday– Thursday) 9.15 -17.15   (Friday)
HIQA – Health Information & Quality Authority For the Office of the Chief Inspector and Inspection Reports Head Office, Unit 1301 City Gate, Mahon, Co. Cork Email: info@hiqa.ie Website: www.hiqa.ie
  Advocacy Services  
Patient Advocacy Services Level 3 rear Unit, Marshalsea Court, Merchant’s Quay Dublin 8, D08 AEY8 Patientadvocacyservice.ie 0818293003 info@patientadvocacyservice.ieThe Alzheimers Society of Ireland National Office Blackrock, Co. Dublin Tel: 01 2073800 National Helpline: 1800 341 341 Email: helpline@alzheimers.ie
Sage Advocacy CLG 24-26 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin DO7 DAV9 info@sageadocacy.ie 01 5367330 09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri  Age Action Ireland Ltd.,   30/31 Lower Camden St., Dublin 2 Tel: 01 4756989 Email: info@ageaction.ie